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IJVMWrapperDirect Methods

The IJVMWrapperDirect type exposes the following members.

Public methodCastTo Converts the origin in the instance defined from className
Public methodConvertObject Converts an Object to its equivalent JVM type
Public methodGetClass Retrieve a class from JVM
Public methodGetClassName Gets the class name from the object pointer
Public methodGetObject(IntPtr, Boolean) Gets an instance of IJavaObject from the object pointer
Public methodGetObject(String, IntPtr, Boolean) Gets an instance of IJavaObject from the object pointer
Public methodCode exampleImportPackage Imports a Java package to be used within the program
Public methodIsAssignableFrom Check if sub is assignable from sup
Public methodIsInstanceOf Check if obj is instance of clazz
Public methodNew Create a new JVM object
Public methodNewArray(String, Object) Creates a new array
Public methodNewArrayTArrayType(TArrayType) Creates a new array
Public methodThrow Throws an exception
Public methodToArray Gets an instance of IJavaObject from the object pointer
See Also