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IJCGraphicContainer Properties

The IJCGraphicContainer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyGraphicObject The generic object to be inserted in graphic layout: FrameworkElement for WPF, Control for WinForms
Public propertyIsDetached Returns if the control detached from the grpahic tree
Public propertyIsRemoteManaged Returns if the control has its own message pump, position management (SWT is an example of this behavior)
Public propertyIsWPF Returns if the control is a WPF one, the value is the one used during call to to GetJCGraphicContainer(IJavaObject, Boolean) or GetJCGraphicContainer(String, Boolean)
Public propertyRemoteComponent The IJavaObject entry to interact with the remote component: the one used during call to GetJCGraphicContainer(IJavaObject, Boolean) or GetJCGraphicContainer(String, Boolean)
Public propertyRemoteContainer The IJavaObject entry to interact with the remote container (a java.awt.Frame)
Public propertyWindowsManager The JCWindowsManager associated during invocation of Initialize(JCWindowsManager)
See Also