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SetupJVMWrapperT Properties

The SetupJVMWrapperT type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClassPath The starting JVM class path. Further path can be added later.
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyDebugSuspendFlag Enables Debug
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyCode exampleDynJVM The dynamic entry point for JVM operations. It permits to write code in .NET languages using a syntax not far from the one available in Java.
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyEnableCriticalMethods Enable/Disable use of critical methods within JNI interface
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyEnableDebug Enables Debug
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyFeatureLevel Reports the feature level of the JVM in use
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyGlobalHeapSize Sets the global heap size
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyStatic memberGlobalInstance Create and return a singleton global instance of T
Public propertyGlobalize Set to to do not globilize the instance. Default is
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyStatic memberHasGlobalInstance Return if a singleton global instance of T was previously created, otherwise
Public propertyInitialHeapSize Sets the initial heap size
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJavaDebugOpts Java Debug options used if EnableDebug is true
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJavaDebugPort Java Debug Port
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJDKHome The path where is located the JRE of the installed JDK
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJmxPort The JMX Port to use
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJNIOutputFile The path where the JNI verbose info will be written. The file will be opened in append mode.
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJNIVerbosity Sets the verbosity of the JNI interface. See oracle documentation.
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJVM The entry point for direct JVM operations. Use DynJVM to write code like you made in Java
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJVMOptions The options to pass to the JVM when a JVM will be created
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJVMPackages The list of packages on startup. Further packages can be added later
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyJVMPath The path to the JRE ennvironment or full path to (jvm.dll/ If not set the library try to find a suitable version on the system.
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Protected propertyJVMStats The entry point for JVM statistics
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyLastBindingException Last Exception raised from C# to Java interface. Useful to identify the real exception behind a RuntimeBinderException raised when DynJVM accessor is in use.
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyLicensePath The path where is located the license file
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyManagement The entry point for management operations
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertyModulePath The starting JVM module path. Further path can be added later.
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Protected propertyRemoteBridge Direct accessor to the JCOBridge class in the JVM context
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Protected propertyRemoteJCOBridge Dynamic accessor to the JCOBridge class in the JVM context
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
Public propertySuppressFinalize to suppress finalization of the class instance inherited from SetupJVMWrapper when the instance is created using CreateGlobalInstance, the instance is globalized using Globalize(IJVMBridgeCore, Boolean) or GlobalizeTClass. Default value is .
(Inherited from SetupJVMWrapper)
See Also