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JVMBridgeBaseTClass Class

Public entry point of JVMBridgeBaseTClass
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: MASES.JCOBridge.C2JBridge
Assembly: C2JBridge (in C2JBridge.dll) Version:
public abstract class JVMBridgeBase<TClass> : JVMBridgeBase, 
	IJVMBridgeBaseStatic, IJVMBridgeBase, IJVMBridgeDefinition
where TClass : new(), IJVMBridgeBase

Type Parameters

A class inherited from JVMBridgeBaseTClass

The JVMBridgeBaseTClass type exposes the following members.

Public methodJVMBridgeBaseTClass Used to create instance of BridgeClassName
Public propertyBridgeClassName Java class name to be instantiated
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public propertyStatic memberBridgeClazz The IJavaType of the implementing class
Public propertyBridgeInstance The IJavaObject instance
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public propertyStatic memberDynBridgeClazz The dynamic accessor to BridgeClazz
Public propertyDynBridgeInstance The dynamic accessor to BridgeInstance
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public propertyIsBridgeAbstract if the BridgeClassName is an abstract class, i.e. cannot be created an instance
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public propertyIsBridgeCloseable if the BridgeClassName implements Closeable
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public propertyIsBridgeInterface if the BridgeClassName is an interface, i.e. does not have any public constructor
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public propertyIsBridgeListener if the BridgeClassName follows the listener pattern of JCOBridge: the BridgeClassName extends a JCListener or implements IJCListener
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public propertyIsBridgeStatic if the BridgeClassName is a static class, i.e. does not have any public constructor
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodCastDirectTNewClass Simplified version of CastToTNewClass which wraps this instance with a new TNewClass class
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodCastToTNewClass Casts this IJVMBridgeBase object into TNewClass
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodDisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodExecuteT(T) Executes the code
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodExecuteT(T) Executes the code
(Overrides JVMBridgeBaseExecuteT(T))
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodIExecute(String, Object) Executes an instance method
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIExecuteArrayT Execute the method and build the result as an array of T
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIExecuteWithSignature(String, String, Object) Executes an instance method
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIExecuteWithSignatureArrayT Execute the method and build the result as an array of T
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIGetField(String) Gets the value of a field identified by fieldName
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIGetFieldArrayTReturn Gets the value of a field identified by fieldName
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIsAssignableFrom(IJavaType) Verify if this IJVMBridgeBase is assignable from clazz
Public methodIsAssignableFrom(String) Verify if this IJVMBridgeBase is assignable from clazz
Public methodIsAssignableFromT Verify if this IJVMBridgeBase is assignable from T
Public methodISetField(String, Object) Sets the value of a field identified by fieldName
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodISetFieldTValue(String, TValue) Sets the value of a field identified by fieldName
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIsInstanceOf(IJavaType) Verify if this IJVMBridgeBase is an instance of clazz
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIsInstanceOf(String) Verify if this IJVMBridgeBase is an instance of clazz
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodIsInstanceOfT Verify if this IJVMBridgeBase is an instance of T
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberNew Create a new instance of the TClass
Public methodStatic memberNewWithSignature Create a new instance of the TClass
Public methodNotify Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodNotifyAll Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodRuntimeIsInstanceOfT Verify if this IJVMBridgeBase is an instance of T; the constraints of T are checked at runtime, while IsInstanceOfT checks T constraint at compile time
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodStatic memberSExecute(String, Object) Executes a static method
Public methodStatic memberSExecute(IJavaType, String, Object) Executes a static method
Public methodStatic memberSExecute(Type, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecute(Type, IJavaType, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTReturn(String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTReturn(IJavaType, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTReturn(Type, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTReturn(Type, IJavaType, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTNewClass, TReturn(String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTNewClass, TReturn(IJavaType, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTReturn, TConverter(Type, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTReturn, TConverter(Type, IJavaType, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTNewClass, TReturn, TConverter(String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteTNewClass, TReturn, TConverter(IJavaType, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteArrayT(String, Object) Execute the method and build the result as an array of T
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteArrayT(IJavaType, String, Object) Execute the method and build the result as an array of T
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignature(String, String, Object) Executes a static method
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignature(IJavaType, String, String, Object) Executes a static method
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignature(Type, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignature(Type, IJavaType, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTReturn(String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTReturn(IJavaType, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTReturn(Type, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTReturn(Type, IJavaType, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTNewClass, TReturn(String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTNewClass, TReturn(IJavaType, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTReturn, TConverter(Type, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTReturn, TConverter(Type, IJavaType, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTNewClass, TReturn, TConverter(String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureTNewClass, TReturn, TConverter(IJavaType, String, String, Object) Executes a static method which returns a bridged class
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureArrayT(String, String, Object) Execute the method and build the result as an array of T
Public methodStatic memberSExecuteWithSignatureArrayT(IJavaType, String, String, Object) Execute the method and build the result as an array of T
Public methodStatic memberSGetField(String) Gets the value of a static field identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSGetField(IJavaType, String) Gets the value of a static field on clazz identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSGetFieldTReturn(String) Gets the value of a static field identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSGetFieldTReturn(IJavaType, String) Gets the value of a static field on clazz identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSGetFieldArrayTReturn(String) Gets the value of a static field identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSGetFieldArrayTReturn(IJavaType, String) Gets the value of a static field on clazz identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSSetField(String, Object) Sets the value of a static field identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSSetField(IJavaType, String, Object) Sets the value of a static field on clazz identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSSetFieldTValue(String, TValue) Sets the value of a static field identified by fieldName
Public methodStatic memberSSetFieldTValue(IJavaType, String, TValue) Sets the value of a static field on clazz identified by fieldName
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodWait Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodWait(Int64) Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Public methodWait(Int64, Int32) Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.
(Inherited from JVMBridgeBase)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCastTObject Casts the input object implemeneting IJVMBridgeBase into TObject
(Defined by JCOBridgeExtensions)
Public Extension MethodConvertTReturn Converts a generic object
(Defined by JCOBridgeExtensions)
Public Extension MethodInitializeListener Request the initialization of the Listener from the JVM. The listener is a new class which inherits from JVMBridgeListener
(Defined by JCOBridgeExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReleaseListener Release a IJVMBridgeBase from the JVM
(Defined by JCOBridgeExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToNative Converts a IJVMBridgeBase input to an object manageable from the JVM
(Defined by JCOBridgeExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToNative Converts a generic input to an object manageable from the JVM
(Defined by JCOBridgeExtensions)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIJVMBridgeBaseStaticBridgeClazz The IJavaType of the implementing class
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIJVMBridgeBaseStaticDynBridgeClazz The dynamic accessor to BridgeClazz
This is a basic example showing JVMBridgeBaseTClass class usage
class TheClass : JVMBridgeBase<TheClass>
    public override string BridgeClassName => "";

    public TheClass()
See Also