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JCOBridgeExtensionsWithConvertTClass, TJava, TNet Method

Creates a new instance of enumerable, adding the converter in the execution chain

Namespace: MASES.JCOBridge.C2JBridge
Assembly: C2JBridge (in C2JBridge.dll) Version:
public static JVMBridgeBaseEnumerable<TClass, TNet> WithConvert<TClass, TJava, TNet>(
	this JVMBridgeBaseEnumerable<TClass, TJava> enumerable,
	Func<TJava, TNet> converter
where TClass : new(), JVMBridgeBase, IEnumerableExtension


enumerable  JVMBridgeBaseEnumerableTClass, TJava
The class inherited from JVMBridgeBaseEnumerableTClass, TObject implementing IEnumerableExtension
converter  FuncTJava, TNet
Set the FuncT, TResult used to convert from TJava to TNet while ieration is done

Type Parameters

The class implementing IJVMBridgeBase
The type of objects to enumerate in Java space
The new converted object after enumeration reported from Current

Return Value

JVMBridgeBaseEnumerableTClass, TNet
The enumerable with converter added in the execution chain

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type JVMBridgeBaseEnumerableTClass, TJava. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).
See Also