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JVMBridgeBaseTClassSExecuteWithSignature(Type, IJavaType, String, String, Object) Method

Executes a static method which returns a bridged class

Namespace: MASES.JCOBridge.C2JBridge
Assembly: C2JBridge (in C2JBridge.dll) Version:
public static IJVMBridgeBase SExecuteWithSignature(
	Type type,
	IJavaType clazz,
	string methodName,
	string signature,
	params Object[] args


type  Type
The Type implementing IJVMBridgeBase to be instantiated
clazz  IJavaType
The IJavaType where the method shall be executed
methodName  String
The instance method to be invoked
signature  String
Method signature to use in search criteria
args  Object
Possible arguments

Return Value

A newly initialized type or null
See Also