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IJVMWrapperManagementGetJCGraphicContainer(IJavaObject, Boolean) Method

Requests to allocate a remote graphic container to host the Component in graphicObject

Namespace: MASES.JCOBridge.C2JBridge.JVMInterop
Assembly: C2JBridge (in C2JBridge.dll) Version:
IJCGraphicContainer GetJCGraphicContainer(
	IJavaObject graphicObject,
	bool isWPF


graphicObject  IJavaObject
The object, in the form of IJavaObject, to be inserted in the grphical hierarchy
isWPF  Boolean
if the request come from a WPF host application, for WinForms host application

Return Value

A IJCGraphicContainer reference to the newly allocated container
This version supports a single JCGraphicContainer needing direct management of Windows Message Pump, other JCGraphicContainer must internally manages message pump, setting the property IsRemoteManaged to true.
See Also