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IJavaType Methods

The IJavaType type exposes the following members.

Public methodDisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public methodGetField(String) Gets a static field
Public methodGetFieldTReturn(String) Gets a static field
Public methodInvoke(String, Object) Invokes a static member on this IJavaType using methodName and search criteria based on args
Public methodInvokeTReturn(String, Object) Invokes a static member on this IJavaType using methodName and search criteria based on args
Public methodInvokeWithSignature(String, String, Object) Invokes a static member on this IJavaType using methodName and search criteria based on signature
Public methodInvokeWithSignatureTReturn(String, String, Object) Invokes a static member on this IJavaType using methodName and search criteria based on signature
Public methodNew Creates a new object of this IJavaType with search criteria based on args
Public methodNewWithSignature Creates a new object of this IJavaType with search criteria based on signature
Public methodSetField Sets a static field
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodIsPrimitiveConvertible Returns true if the class represents a primitive type
(Defined by JCOBridgeExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIsRawPrimitive Returns true if the class represents a primitive type
(Defined by JCOBridgeExtensions)
See Also