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IJVMWrapperInternal Interface

Public accessor for JVM wrapper: it is used internally between CLR and native proxies

Namespace: MASES.JCOBridge.C2JBridge.JVMInterop
Assembly: C2JBridge (in C2JBridge.dll) Version:
public interface IJVMWrapperInternal : IJVMWrapperStatistics

The IJVMWrapperInternal type exposes the following members.

Public propertyExceptionJNICalls Total exceptions raised from JNI methods invocations
(Inherited from IJVMWrapperStatistics)
Public propertyGlobalRefCount Current global reference count
(Inherited from IJVMWrapperStatistics)
Public propertyInitialized Returns the value of initialization
Public propertyLocalRefCount Current local reference count
(Inherited from IJVMWrapperStatistics)
Public propertyTotalJavaVMCalls Total invocations of Java VM methods
(Inherited from IJVMWrapperStatistics)
Public propertyTotalJNICalls Total invocations of JNI methods
(Inherited from IJVMWrapperStatistics)
Public propertyTotalTimeInJNICalls Total time spent in invocations of JNI methods
(Inherited from IJVMWrapperStatistics)
Public propertyUptime Application up-time in milliseconds
(Inherited from IJVMWrapperStatistics)
Public propertyWeakGlobalRefCount Current weak global reference count
(Inherited from IJVMWrapperStatistics)
Public methodDeclaredNew Create a new JVM object
Public methodDeclaredNewArray(String, Object)Obsolete.
Creates a new array
Public methodDeclaredNewArrayTArrayType(TArrayType) Creates a new array
Public methodResetJniEnv Resets current JNI env variable
Public methodSetJniEnv Sets current JNI env variable
See Also