Click or drag to resize

JCWindowsManagerOnWindowPositionChanged Method

Invoked when a repaint of WPF/WinForms container associated to Java AWT/Swing graphic object occurs and Java AWT/Swing graphic object needs a resize

Namespace: MASES.JCOBridge.C2JBridge
Assembly: C2JBridge (in C2JBridge.dll) Version:
public virtual void OnWindowPositionChanged(
	bool isVisible,
	double x,
	double y,
	double width,
	double height


isVisible  Boolean
if WPF/WinForm container associated to Java AWT/Swing graphic object is visible and Java AWT/Swing graphic object shall be visible, otherwise
x  Double
The x-coordinate location of the left side of the rectangle.
y  Double
The y-coordinate location of the top side of the rectangle.
width  Double
A non-negative value that represents the Width of the rectangle.
height  Double
A non-negative value that represents the Height of the rectangle.
See Also